Author: Blog Fairy

SquareFairy Divorce Competitors

Online DIY Divorce Form Competitor Comparison HelloDivorce LegalZoom OnlineDivorce DivorceWriter Lawyers Price FREE!!! $99 – $3,800 $499 $139 + $34/mo $150 $5,000 – $$,$$$ Initial Divorce Papers Consult with Lawyer Share w/ Spouse Intelligent Property Split Online DIY Divorce...

Dividing Property Divorce

5 Steps for Dividing Assets in Divorce

Dividing assets during a divorce can be a very stressful exercise for everyone involved. Here is a 5 step approach to splitting your marital assets (community property) during your divorce. 1. Identify your Assets...

Combative to Collaborative: The Co-parenting Code

Co-Parenting Guide to Success

by Teresa Harlow (Amazon Paperback / Amazon Kindle) Co-parenting doesn’t have to be hard or mean sacrificing either your family or your own happiness. Yet for so many, that’s exactly how it turns out....