Frequently Asked Questions

(Preguntas frecuentes en español)


  • Is it free?
    • Yes! Use SquareFairy to prepare and download your divorce papers for free.
      • Your county may charge a fee to file for divorce, although some courts have options to avoid those fees in some circumstances. See your state below for details.
    • Yes! It’s also free to use our unique SplitFairy™ property split tool to help assign your various items and balance what each side gets, fair and square, while reducing selling fees and taxes.
    • What’s the catch?
      • No catch. We will eventually offer recommendations to various service providers that you may need, and we’d appreciate you availing yourself of them.
  • How do I use SquareFairy to fill out my divorce papers?
  • Invite your spouse to SquareFairy, and share the information you already entered.
  • Is the service down? I’m having trouble logging in or using it.


  • How do I use SplitFairy to help split our community property?
  • Does it work for any state or country?
    • Yes and No. The SplitFairy uses its estimate of income taxes that result from selling some items, like your home or stock investments. If your state/country has taxes significantly different from California’s, it will make estimates that are wrong, and those affect the decisions it recommends. If you aren’t selling items, or it does not recommend selling items, it should work fine.
    • Please look into to your state’s laws about what is considered Community Property or Separate Property.

Divorce Process in Your State

  • California
  • Sorry, no other states are supported right now for filling out divorce papers. We’re adding states as fast as we can. Feel free to click the ? on the site to contact us and let us know you want it in your state.
    • You CAN use the SplitFairy to help split your community property, regardless of state, although some of the tax estimates (from selling property) may be off.

Children / Child Support