The Path of My Co-Parenting Journey
Over a decade ago, I stepped into the world of single parenting. And in those ten years, the path hasn’t always been clear. I often receive comments like, “you make it look so easy,”...
Over a decade ago, I stepped into the world of single parenting. And in those ten years, the path hasn’t always been clear. I often receive comments like, “you make it look so easy,”...
About 2/3 of Americans own a pet. But what happens if a couple decides to split up? Who gets the dog? Or cat, or parakeet, etc.? Community or Separate Property? There is no one-size-fits-all...
The SplitFairy tool was designed to easily create equal 50/50 property splits in a divorce. But what happens if you live in a non-community property state? These are known as “equitable distribution” states, which...
What is the difference between a contested and uncontested divorce? In a contested divorce, the spouses cannot agree on the terms of the divorce. In a divorce, those terms include child custody, child support...
Divorce Process / Personal Finance
por Blog Fairy
por Blog Fairy · Published junio 5, 2023 · Last modified noviembre 18, 2024
The most frequently asked question about divorce on Google is, “What does it cost to get a divorce?” We asked that question ourselves before we started SquareFairy. Divorce is too expensive, and leaves people...
Equity in homes is the largest asset class in most divorces. We help you know how to value your home during divorce, so that everyone feels they are being treated fairly. Or you can...
Books / Communicating / Improve Your Marriage
por Blog Fairy
por Blog Fairy · Published diciembre 13, 2022 · Last modified abril 30, 2024
While there will always be perennial favorites on the best-seller list in the Relationships / Marriage category, such as “The Five Love Languages,” by Gary Chapman, we like to see what’s new. So here...
One in three women and one in four men experience some form of domestic abuse in their lifetimes, but only 15% of domestic violence shelters accept pets. In addition, over 70% of women in... HelloDivorce LegalZoom OnlineDivorce DivorceWriter Lawyers Price $19 for 6 months (note 1) $99 – $3,800 $499 $139 + $34/mo $150 $5,000 – $$,$$$ Initial Divorce Papers Consult with Lawyer Share w/ Spouse Intelligent...
Linda and Harry Macklowe’s divorce has been an expensive one by any measure. But they could not agree on the value of their extensive, and apparently beloved, art collection. So, as many divorcing couples...
Your divorce is final. Do you celebrate, or cry, or both? At some point, you might start thinking about finding another person to spend your time, if not your life, with. Is it time...
Dividing assets during a divorce can be a very stressful exercise for everyone involved. Here is a 5 step approach to splitting your marital assets (community property) during your divorce. 1. Identify your Assets...
Art collectors consider the Macklowe collection to be one of the most prized art collections in the United States. It’s a collection that spanned over three decades and contains hundreds of masterpieces by some...